[ 中文名 ]: | 葫芦[7]脲 |
[ 英文名 ]: | cucurbituril |
Cucurbit[7]uril |
常用名 | 葫芦[7]脲 | 英文名 | cucurbituril |
CAS号 | 259886-50-5 | 分子量 | 1162.96000 |
密度 | N/A | 沸点 | N/A |
分子式 | C42H42N28O14 | 熔点 | N/A |
[ 中文名 ]: | 葫芦[7]脲 |
[ 英文名 ]: | cucurbituril |
Cucurbit[7]uril |
[ 分子式 ]: | C42H42N28O14 |
[ 分子量 ]: | 1162.96000 |
[ 精确质量 ]: | 1162.34000 |
[ PSA ]: | 329.70000 |
[ Name ]: | cucurbituril |
[ Synonym ]: | More Synonyms |
[ Molecular Formula ]: | C42H42N28O14 |
[ Molecular Weight ]: | 1162.96000 |
[ Exact Mass ]: | 1162.34000 |
[ PSA ]: | 329.70000 |
Section 1: Product Identification Chemical Name:Cucurbit[7]uril (CB[7]) hydrate, 99+% CAS Registry Number:259886-50-5 Formula:C42H42N28O14.xH2O EINECS Number:none Chemical Family:macrocyclic compounds Synonym:CB[7] Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients IngredientCAS NumberPercentACGIH (TWA)OSHA (PEL) Title compound259886-50-5100%no datano data Section 3: Hazards Identification Emergency Overview:Irritating to skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Primary Routes of Exposure:Ingestion, inhalation, eyes Eye Contact:Causes slight to mild irritation of the eyes. Skin Contact:Causes slight to mild irritation of the skin. Inhalation:Irritating to the nose, mucous membranes and respiratory tract. Ingestion:No information available on the physiological effects of ingestion. May be harmful if swallowed. Acute Health Affects:Irritating to skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Chronic Health Affects:No information on long-term chronic effects. NTP:No IARC:No OSHA:No SECTION 4: First Aid Measures Immediately flush the eyes with copious amounts of water for at least 10-15 minutes. A victim may need Eye Exposure: assistance in keeping their eye lids open. Get immediate medical attention. Wash the affected area with water. Remove contaminated clothes if necessary. Seek medical assistance if Skin Exposure: irritation persists. Remove the victim to fresh air. Closely monitor the victim for signs of respiratory problems, such as difficulty Inhalation: in breathing, coughing, wheezing, or pain. In such cases seek immediate medical assistance. Seek medical attention immediately. Keep the victim calm. Give the victim water (only if conscious). Induce Ingestion: vomiting only if directed by medical personnel. SECTION 5: Fire Fighting Measures Flash Point:none Autoignition Temperature:none Explosion Limits:none Extinguishing Medium:carbon dioxide, dry powder or foam If this product is involved in a fire, fire fighters should be equipped with a NIOSH approved positive pressure Special Fire Fighting Procedures: self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing. Hazardous Combustion andIf involved in a fire this material may emit irritating fumes. Decomposion Products: Unusual Fire or Explosion Hazards: No unusual fire or explosion hazards. SECTION 6: Accidental Release Measures Spill and Leak Procedures:Small spills can be mixed with vermiculite or sodium carbonate and swept up. SECTION 7: Handling and Storage Handling and Storage:Store in a tightly sealed container. Keep in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area. SECTION 8: Exposure Controls and Personal Protection Eye Protection:Always wear approved safety glasses when handling a chemical substance in the laboratory. Skin Protection:Wear protective clothing and gloves. Ventilation:Handle the material in an efficient fume hood. If ventilation is not available a respirator should be worn. The use of respirators requires a Respirator Respirator: Protection Program to be in compliance with 29 CFR 1910.134. Ventilation:Handle the material in an efficient fume hood. Additional Protection:No additional protection required. SECTION 9: Physical and Chemical Properties Color and Form:white powder Molecular Weight:1162.96 Melting Point:no data Boiling Point:no data Vapor Pressure:no data Specific Gravity:no data Odor:none Solubility in Water:insoluble SECTION 10: Stability and Reactivity Stability:air and moisture stable Hazardous Polymerization:no hazardous polymerization Conditions to Avoid:none Incompatibility:strong oxidizing agents Decomposition Products:carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and organic fumes SECTION 11: Toxicological Information RTECS Data:No information available in the RTECS files. Carcinogenic Effects:no data Mutagenic Effects:no data Tetratogenic Effects:no data SECTION 12: Ecological Information Ecological Information:No information available SECTION 13: Disposal Considerations Disposal:Dispose of according to local, state and federal regulations. SECTION 14: Transportation Shipping Name (CFR):Non-hazardous Hazard Class (CFR):NA Additional Hazard Class (CFR):NA Packaging Group (CFR):NA UN ID Number (CFR):NA Shipping Name (IATA):Non-hazardous Hazard Class (IATA):NA Additional Hazard Class (IATA):NA Packaging Group (IATA):NA UN ID Number (IATA):NA SECTION 15: Regulatory Information TSCA:Not listed in the TSCA inventory SARA (Title 313):Not reportable under SARA 313 Second Ingredient:none SECTION 16 - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION N/A |
Cucurbit[7]uril |
近日,清华大学化学系张希院士在对葫芦[7]脲识别性质的研究基础上将葫芦[7]脲(CB[7])与2,2,6,6 -四甲基哌啶氧化物(TEMPO)的包合物作为超分子催化剂成功催化了一系列醇类的氧化反应。相比于单独使用TEMPO,使用包合物不仅可以促进反应中间体TEMPO+的生成,并能在一定程度上抑制副反应的发生。该成果以“Highly Efficient Supramolecular Catalysis by Endowing the Reaction Intermediate with Adaptive Reactivity” 为题发表于《德国应用化学》(DOI: 10.1002/anie.201713351)。
图1. 葫芦[7]脲与TEMPO结合的ITC(左)及EPR(右)图谱
(图片来源:Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, Early View)
作者通过简单地混合葫芦[7]脲和TEMPO便得到了TEMPO/CB[7]超分子包合物,之后通过等温滴定量热法(ITC)和电子顺磁共振(EPR)对两者的结合进行了表征,发现TEMPO与葫芦[7]脲的结合比为1:1,结合常数为3.9 ×103 M-1。虽然核磁的结构不能体现出TEMPO上N原子所处的位置,但是EPR结果表明TEMPO上的N-O基团处于葫芦[7]脲的空腔内部。由于TEMPO与葫芦[7]脲的结合是由焓驱动的,并且它们之间的结合常数并不高,因此需要过量的葫芦[7]脲才能将溶液中的TEMPO完全包结。
图2. 葫芦[7]脲对TEMPO化学性质的影响
(图片来源:Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, Early View)
表1. 葫芦[7]脲对TEMPO催化一系列醇的氧化反应的影响
(图片来源:Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, Early View)
全文作者:Yang Jiao, Bohan Tang, Yucheng Zhang, Jiang-Fei Xu, Zhiqiang Wang, and Xi Zhang